Advance Care Planning is a Gift Loved Ones Give Each Other

Why Advance Care Planning Matters

By Kathleen Pitcher Tobey

There are certain conversations that we all find difficult to have, and advance care planning discussions rank right there at the top. It’s not surprising that, according The Conversation Project, 60 percent of people surveyed say that they don’t want their families burdened by end-of-life decisions, yet 56 percent say that they haven’t conveyed their wishes to their families. It’s a topic that most people find uncomfortable, but it’s so important to talk to family and loved ones about what matters most to you.

I recently was interviewed by reporter Leslie Thatcher from radio station KPCW in Park City, Utah, about this topic (start at 25:22 to listen to my interview.) I was fortunate enough to participate in a meeting sponsored by Jewish Family Service in Park City to discuss Cambia Health Foundation’s partnership with The Conversation Project. The goal is to build community awareness around the importance of having conversations about advance care planning. For those of you not familiar with the group, Pulitzer-prize winning journalist Ellen Goodman started The Conversation Project following her own personal experience taking care of her mother towards the end of her life. The experience proved very difficult and, as a result, she wanted to help people understand how to have these conversations as a way to gain insights and understanding into what issues matter most to people towards the end of their lives.

For those people who are looking for tools to help you have these difficult conversations, there is a conversation starter kit available on The Conversation Project’s website. For those who are coping with family members who are suffering from dementia, there is a special starter kit available. The Conversation Project has also recently published a useful new guide that gives you practical advice on how to select a health care proxy. All materials are free and available for download.

We tell people to try as best they can to relax and even add some humor to the discussion so that it doesn’t seem so scary. We also recommend that people have these conversations at any stage of life and not necessarily only when a family member is gravely ill. We all know that things can happen quite suddenly and it’s best if you’re prepared.

The shared understanding of wishes, values and preferences is a gift for everyone. If we, as a community, can come together and talk about our hopes, fears, concerns and plans for our health care through all stages of life, it can be both empowering and comforting.

To learn more about this topic, please visit the resources section of the Cambia Health Foundation website.