Strategies to improve aging: Insights from our community partners

Cambia Health Foundation partnered with the American Society on Aging on a four-part blog article series to spotlight a few of our partners who are striving to improve aging.

Strategies to improve aging: Insights from our community partners
The U.S. Census Bureau estimates that within 15 years, older people will outnumber children younger than age 18 for the first time. This large and diverse population has specific needs related to health and well-being, which is why Cambia Health Foundation has made Healthy and Connected Aging (adults ages 55+) one of its key focus areas. Specifically, the Foundation focuses on investing in solutions that reduce isolation and loneliness among older adults by strengthening social connectivity, care coordination and behavioral health care access.

The Foundation recently partnered with American Society on Aging (ASA) to shine a light on organizations working to do just that, via a four-part blog series. Check out all four blog articles below, on topics ranging from mental health access to the need for more intergenerational housing. Learn more about how our Foundation supports whole-person health for older adults.